2624 How many drinks of alcohol does it take to affect your driving?... Answer1000 A person who has been drinking alcoholic beverages will usually:... Answer993 A chemical test is used to measure:... Answer439 Your license can be suspended if you are under 21 and drive with a blo... Answer436 Heavy amphetamine use:... Answer326 If you refuse a test to determine the amount of alcohol in your body:... Answer308 What will happen if you refuse a breathalyzer test to determine the am... Answer293 Other acronyms that refer to DUI are:... Answer285 Which of the following victim services does MADD (Mothers Against Drun... Answer268 MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) is a prohibitionist organization ... Answer249 Approximately 1 in every 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-r... Answer246 What percentage of adult pedestrians who struck by cars have blood alc... Answer242 Which kind of offence may you be charged with if driving under the inf... Answer233 It takes the body about ____ hour(s) to process the amount of alcohol ... Answer225 Half of all traffic fatalities in the U.S. are caused by drunk driving... Answer225 DWI and DUI offences refer to the same thing.... Answer204 Punishments for a first DUI offence may include:... Answer191 In Colorado, you can be arrested for a DUI if you have ________ or mor... Answer186 According to this illustration, how often do drunk driving accidents o... Answer183 If you cause a fatality while driving under the influence, you may be ... Answer179 All of the 50 states in America have a Zero Tolerance BAC level law.... Answer155 If you are convicted of a DUI, DWI, or any other related case, you wil... Answer154 DUI, or driving under the influence, only includes people who operate ... Answer153 How many drinks does it take to affect your driving?... Answer153 To reach a BAC level of .08 g/dL, a 170-pound man would need to have f... Answer153 Passengers in your vehicle may drink alcohol when you are on the road.... Answer150 If you have an open bottle in your vehicle and pass the field sobriety... Answer149 One hour is needed after drinking for the body to completely expel alc... Answer147 DUI offenses may be heightened to felonies if:... Answer143 Physical signs of a drunk driver police look for include:... Answer139 What does the term DUI stand for?... Answer137 After drinking alcohol, coffee or a cold shower will lower your blood ... Answer116 A conviction for a first offense in California may involve:... Answer113 In some states like Delaware and Alaska, it is legal to drive under th... Answer111 Having an open container of alcohol is permitted in some states.... Answer109 If convicted of an out-of-state DUI, you may have an in-state lawyer r... Answer108 It is illegal for drivers to possess personal breathalyzers.... Answer101 A woman weighing about 140 pounds would need to consume eight drinks i... Answer96 If an officer sees and open container of alcohol in your vehicle after... Answer89 If you post bail on a DUI or DWI conviction, you will not be required ... Answer87 A person under the age of 21 years:... Answer86 What drugs can affect your ability to drive safely?... Answer82 In all states, a driver is considered legally drunk if his or her bloo... Answer81 The kind of alcohol you consumes makes a difference if you have to dri... Answer77 Someone in the U.S. is killed by a drunk driver approximately every 40... Answer73 The Washington State DUI law mandates drivers to install ignition inte... Answer66 What will marijuana use do to a person's driving skills?... Answer66 Riding a bicycle or bike while under the influence in California can b... Answer36 If you are transporting alcohol in your vehicle, it is best to keep it... Answer |