177 When operating a bicycle on a one-way street with two or more traffic ... Answer73 What does this hand signal mean?... Answer65 When turning left, were should your bicycle be when making a vehicular... Answer59 When is the most dangerous time to ride a bicycle?... Answer49 When making a multi-lane left turn, which lane should you end up in?... Answer43 What does this hand signal mean?... Answer42 Which is a North American hand signal for bicyclists.... Answer40 How much of a wheel wobble is not good?... Answer39 When do most bicycle injuries occur?... Answer37 How far should your handlebars stem be into the frame of the bike?... Answer36 Brake pads should not touch the rims:... Answer35 What is the most common type of bicycle accident?... Answer35 How do you know if a women's bike is the right size and height?... Answer34 Your bicycle helmet should fit:... Answer33 What kind of bike lock is the safest and most secure?... Answer33 According to this graph, which demographic represents the most respons... Answer33 How does a mounted child safety seat affect a bicycle rider.... Answer33 What is the main reason it is a bad idea to bike through flooded stree... Answer32 When adjusting bicycle wheels, make sure they are:... Answer32 Before entering a roadway from a parking lot, you should:... Answer32 A low speed fall on a bike path can cause.... Answer31 At what distance should you ride away from parked cars?... Answer30 What is the first step when making a turn?... Answer29 When should you turn on your bike lights?... Answer29 What should you do if you begin to bounce on the seat from pedaling to... Answer29 What should you check for with coaster brakes?... Answer29 According to the graph, which group is at the most risk for NOT wearin... Answer27 How snug should you wear a bicycle helmet?... Answer26 What kind of reflective tape should you use on a bike?... Answer26 When checking your bike headset, it should:... Answer26 Which type of vehicle is the most environmentally-friendly save for bi... Answer26 What type of clothing should cyclists wear?... Answer25 When is it ok to ride a bicycle while wearing headphones?... Answer25 When do you NOT need to signal when cycling?... Answer25 Who has the right-of-way in this diagram?... Answer25 How should you position your seat?... Answer25 Which are safer, child safety seats or child bicycle trailers?... Answer25 Before turning right at an intersection, cyclists should:... Answer24 What does this hand signal mean?... Answer24 What colors are the best when riding a bike at night?... Answer24 Is this a correct way of wearing a helmet?... Answer23 Which do bicyclists NOT always have to stop for?... Answer23 Which of the following should cyclists observe at a four way stop?... Answer23 There are bicycle helmet laws in each state in the US.... Answer22 How should you cross railroad tracks safely?... Answer22 When brakes are fully applied, brake levers should stop at least _____... Answer22 Is this a correct way of wearing a helmet?... Answer22 Can I wear another helmet when cycling? (Hockey, baseball, football, m... Answer21 When riding your bicycle:... Answer21 How can you check bicycle axle bearings for looseness?... Answer20 According to the graph, cycle casualties are falling.... Answer20 If a cyclist dismounts completely and is walking beside and pushing th... Answer20 It is important to check over your shoulder every time you:... Answer19 How many people may safely ride on a standard bicycle?... Answer19 Is this a correct way of wearing a helmet?... Answer19 Do bikes or cars have the right-of-way at intersections?... Answer17 This prohibitory sign indicates.... Answer17 Bicyclists:... Answer16 What kind of gear should you shift into before you stop?... Answer16 When checking the derailleur movement, you should:... Answer16 What should bicyclists do to make sure other vehicles can see you?... Answer15 Nuts on bicycle brakes should be:... Answer14 Which kind of spokes do you NOT need to fix or replace?... Answer14 How should your head be positioned when cycling?... Answer13 How much should you fill bike tires?... Answer13 Bicyclists should not stay behind large vehicles because.... Answer11 What does this hand signal mean?... Answer11 Visibility is important to staying safe on the road. Always make sure ... Answer10 What does this hand signal mean?... Answer10 Are bicycle bellseffective?... Answer9 Make sure the bolts and quick release levers on your bike are:... Answer9 Is it ok to wear a broken or damaged bicycle helmet?... Answer7 It si ok to buy a bicycle that is bigger for children since they will ... Answer7 Are bicycle helmets effective?... Answer6 How should you ride on wet pavement?... Answer5 You should check your bike regularly to be sure it's safe to ride.... Answer5 Are bicycle horns effective?... Answer4 Should children wear a helmet if in a child safety seat or a child tra... Answer4 A bell is an important safety feature because:... Answer4 Before entering a roadway, you bicyclists should look:... Answer3 You should wear a helmet:... Answer |