72 What should you do if the vehicle behind you is following too closely ... Answer28 In this illustration, which is not a major hazard?... Answer24 Hazards may include all of the following EXCEPT:... Answer24 Which type of hazard is the most unpredictable?... Answer24 Hot many practice items are there on the HPT Hazard Perception Test?... Answer23 The faster you go:... Answer22 The HPT aims to reduce the high level of young driver crashes by doing... Answer21 When, where, and in what conditions do most crashes happen?... Answer21 Approximately what percent of fatal crashes are speed related?... Answer21 How often should you check your mirrors when driving?... Answer20 To get a sense of how fast driving at certain speeds, you should do al... Answer20 When making a right turn at a traffic light, where do you need to look... Answer18 What hazard perception skill BEST represents this illustration?... Answer18 What hazard perception skill BEST represents this illustration?... Answer17 Which percent of accidents involve rear-end collision of two vehicles ... Answer17 If you are driving in a 60 km/h zone, how far should you scan ahead?... Answer16 When practicing, the following are good exercises to prepare for the H... Answer16 During heavy traffic, you do not need to maintain a 3-second following... Answer16 Which is true regarding following distance to the rear?... Answer15 There are three basic hazard perception skills assessed on the HPT. Wh... Answer15 On the HPT Hazard Perception Test, you should click the mouse or touch... Answer15 The HPT Hazard Perception Test is in all languages EXCEPT:... Answer15 What is the mail hazard in this illustration?... Answer15 Which is NOT a good hazard perception skill to deal with the unexpecte... Answer15 What is the best way to know if you are a safe distance behind a truck... Answer15 A good scanning routine includes all of the following EXCEPT:... Answer14 Compared to full licence holders, provisional drivers are over-represe... Answer14 Going at about 60 km/h, is a 3 second gap (as shown in the illustratio... Answer14 To avoid crashes, you should do all of the following EXCEPT:... Answer14 Is this an unsafe following distance if travelling at 60 km/h?... Answer14 Which is NOT a good way to keep a safe distance to the sides of your v... Answer14 What do safe gaps allow you to do more easily?... Answer14 When turning right in a 60 km/h zone, you need gaps of at least:... Answer13 In the illustration, which hazard is the most unpredictable?... Answer13 What hazard perception skill BEST represents this illustration?... Answer13 How far away from parked vehicles should you drive?... Answer13 A six second gap at 60 km/h (for turns or entering roadways) is the sa... Answer13 According to the diagram, what is the time ratio from left to right fo... Answer13 About what percentage of provisional driver crashes happen at intersec... Answer12 Who must take the HPT Hazard Perception Test?... Answer12 Where are crashes most common?... Answer12 New drivers tend to do more risky activities that increase their risk ... Answer12 What factors are involved in total stopping distance?... Answer12 You should increase your normal following distance in all conditions E... Answer12 What is the three second rule?... Answer12 What does scanning mean in regards to driving?... Answer12 Roadworks are often slow moving to all of the following EXCEPT:... Answer12 If you are driving on a freeway at 90 km/h, how far ahead should you s... Answer11 Which kind of clips will be shown on the HPT Hazard Perception Test?... Answer11 In order to keep space from other vehicles, which is the least importa... Answer11 To get a sense of vehicle speeds, a good exercise is to ride in the pa... Answer11 What is the most dangerous road to overtake on?... Answer11 Why is overtaking a vehicle on a two-way high-speed road dangerous.... Answer11 What is the main hazard in this illustration?... Answer11 When practicing getting a sense of overtaking, watch oncoming traffic ... Answer11 Imagine these sections of the highway were merged. Would this be a saf... Answer10 What is the HPT Hazard Perception Test?... Answer10 What is the best way to developing your hazard perception skills?... Answer10 What is the problem with speeding?... Answer10 How should you check for motorcyclists in your blind spots?... Answer10 When making a right at a cross intersection (4-way), how many directio... Answer10 According to this diagram, where are major blind spots on cars?... Answer9 Which percent of accidents involve vehicles running off the road on a ... Answer9 When should you not use the three second rule?... Answer9 A gap is safe where you can turn, overtake, change lanes, or cross an ... Answer9 When overtaking on a two-way highway, what does the light orange in th... Answer8 Which percent of accidents involve vehicles colliding with other vehic... Answer8 Which percent of accidents involve vehicles running off the road on a ... Answer8 What is a hazard in regards to the Hazard Perception Test?... Answer8 How many times will you be able to see an item on the HPT Hazard Perce... Answer8 What do speed limit signs mean?... Answer8 Obeying the speed limits and adjusting your speed to suit the conditio... Answer8 When driving at night, what should your following distance be?... Answer8 Approximately what distance should there be between your vehicle and o... Answer8 Is it safe if you make a left turn from a side street onto a main road... Answer8 Is there enough of a safe gap between your vehicle and the waiting veh... Answer8 If you are turning left in a 60 km/h zone, how much of a gap do you ne... Answer8 What should you do in this hazard situation?... Answer8 Which statement is false regarding U-turns?... Answer8 Which lane should you use when overtaking?... Answer8 In addition to blind spots on the sides, vehicles also have blind spot... Answer7 What is the best method to be aware of hazards such as unprotected roa... Answer7 Selecting safe gaps when turning, crossing traffic, or changing lanes ... Answer7 Which percent of accidents involve vehicles colliding with other vehic... Answer7 You should imagine a crash avoidance space around your vehicle in all ... Answer7 Which type of warning sign is NOT indicated?... Answer6 When can you attempt the HPT Hazard Perception Test?... Answer6 Most HPT computers will be touch-screen enabled.... Answer6 What will happen if you fail the HPT Hazard Perception Test?... Answer6 What is the main hazard in this illustration?... Answer6 Is it a good idea to travel next to other vehicles?... Answer6 Which is the least common of accidents with motorcycles?... Answer6 Which of the following are road hazards?... Answer6 On what kind of road are you most likely to find an Overtaking Lane si... Answer5 Why is taking the HPT Hazard Perception Test important?... Answer5 What is the primary reason why semi-trailers have such large blind spo... Answer5 For each of the 15 clips, you will be given instructions and as to the... Answer5 Which area of your vehicle should you pay closest attention to?... Answer5 On average, which drivers are over-represented in crashes?... Answer5 Safe gaps vary with all of the following EXCEPT:... Answer |