837 Poisons must not be transported with which of the following?... Answer818 You must have placards for explosives, poison gas or flammables exceed... Answer755 The hazardous materials will be named on:... Answer743 An X or an RQ shown in the HM column of a shipping paper means:... Answer711 For the placards to use with packaged freight, you must know the hazar... Answer674 Who is responsible for checking to be sure the shipper correctly named... Answer591 An exception to the rule for trailer placarding for semis is:... Answer520 Transporters must keep a copy of hazardous waste manifests for at leas... Answer499 The Becquerel is equal to:... Answer496 If the hazardous materials are classified as FORBIDDEN, you should:... Answer473 Cargo tanks or portable tanks loaded with hazardous materials must sho... Answer473 When transporting both hazardous and non-hazardous materials, your bil... Answer458 There are three lists that drivers, shippers, and carriers use to find... Answer456 Before transporting certain radioactive materials, a route restriction... Answer454 Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad trac... Answer449 What placard may be used for Table 2 materials none of which equal 1,0... Answer445 How should each trailer be placarded in a combination unit?... Answer442 You have one hazmat bill with 900 lbs of a division 2.1 substance. Is ... Answer441 The EPA registration numbers of the carrier, shipper and destination m... Answer427 Which one of the following shipping descriptions is in the proper orde... Answer421 If the nuclear gauge is involved in accident, you should:... Answer413 The Hazardous Materials Table is organized:... Answer408 Nuclear gauges can contain these nuclides:... Answer398 Labels on hazardous materials must measure?... Answer386 You have one hazmat bill with 5,500 lbs of a division 2.1 substance an... Answer384 What is the status of vehicle brakes when hazardous materials are bein... Answer378 You have one hazmat bill with 150 lbs of a division 3 Flammable substa... Answer376 Information on a hazardous materials shipping paper must be shown?... Answer367 Which of the following is the proper definition of a cargo tank?... Answer363 You have one hazmat bill with 900 lbs of a division 2.1 substance and ... Answer360 The total transport index of all radioactive packages in a vehicle can... Answer346 One of these shipping paper descriptions for a hazarouds material is i... Answer345 Class A explosives must not be transported in a combination vehicle if... Answer344 Enteries in the Hazardous Materials Table are shown:... Answer336 When transporting a nuclear gauge on public highways, the following do... Answer333 Which is not part of a correct shipping name?... Answer330 Whenever your vehicle is placarded, do not drive near open fires unles... Answer327 You have one hazmat bill with 1,500lbs of a division 2.3 substance and... Answer319 With tank vehicles, the Identification (ID) Number must appear on:... Answer313 A commodity named in Placard Table I requires a placard for?... Answer311 If there is an "RQ" before or after the item description on the shippi... Answer309 You have one hazmat bill with 200 lbs of a division 3 Flammable substa... Answer305 What is a marking that must be shown on liquid hazardous materials pac... Answer304 A dosimeter is worn to:... Answer298 You have one hazmat bill with 900 lbs of a division 2.1 substance and ... Answer297 A placarded vehicle must have at least ______ placards?... Answer294 Which is not part of a correct shipping name?... Answer288 A driver transporting hazardous materials should keep those materials:... Answer288 Placarded loads require a fire extinguisher with a UL rating of ______... Answer267 When a split occurs of an "RQ" substance, the carrier has within _____... Answer263 A vehicle placarded for Division 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 explosives:... Answer262 The hazard class of all materials specifies:... Answer261 Product ID numbers must appear on each side and both ends of a tank co... Answer259 When should a driver have all needed placards in place for packaged fr... Answer242 Drivers who transport highway route-controlled radioactive materials m... Answer238 Containment rules are rules that:... Answer234 In bulk quantities only on highways marine pollutants are regulated:... Answer232 You have one hazmat bill with 1100 lbs of a division 2.1 substance and... Answer231 Which must be shown on a hazardous materials bill of lading?... Answer229 You must notify ______ of any spills exceeding the RQ.... Answer228 If you are required to stop at railroad crossings, you must:... Answer227 You must carry a gas mask with you when transporting:... Answer225 Who is responsible for certifying on the bills of lading that the haza... Answer223 Who is responsible for packaging, labeling, and preparing the hazardou... Answer212 The shippers must attach a diamond-shaped label to hazardous materials... Answer211 Which is correct about listing hazardous materials on a bill of lading... Answer204 Corrosives could require more than one label because they could also b... Answer201 When transporting explosives, you may not:... Answer191 Special requirements for hazardous materials shipping papers include:... Answer188 A safe haven is:... Answer186 Special requirements for hazardous materials shipping papers include:... Answer181 Which must be shown on a hazardous materials bill of lading?... Answer180 You are hauling hazardous materials and you find that one of your tire... Answer179 With most hazardous materials, you may park within 5 feet of the road ... Answer168 Which is not the proper four-digit Identification (ID) Number?... Answer168 In Column 1, the symbol "I" means:... Answer167 The designation RQ identifies:... Answer163 A driver should count the total number of packages loaded and should c... Answer163 A hazmat worker must receive training:... Answer154 You should never transport a package labeled poison if you are hauling... Answer154 The shipping papers for hazardous materials can be found:... Answer150 You may load cylinders of compressed gas without racks if the cylinder... Answer147 If the words INHALATION HAZARD appear on the shipping papers, you requ... Answer141 What is a way to determine if two materials are not compatible to tran... Answer140 When transporting hazardous loads, you must check the tires at least:... Answer137 When are you allowed to have overhang (tailgate) loads of Explosives?... Answer136 Which is an acceptable quantity shown on a hazardous materials bill of... Answer134 When a vehicle is parked the hazardous material, shipping papers must ... Answer133 In column 1, the "D" symbol means:... Answer132 When transporting hazardous waste, you must:... Answer129 Which may be exempt from labeling rules when transported in small quan... Answer126 If a shipper's certification is signed, must you accept a leaking pack... Answer126 When the gauge is being transported over public highways, the gauge mu... Answer125 If special permits or special routes are required, who is responsible ... Answer123 If a label will not fit on a hazardous materials package:... Answer116 When transporting compressed gases, you must:... Answer116 In the event of an accident involving hazardous materials, you should ... Answer115 Which Code of Federal Regulations requires that placards be used?... Answer114 Which is an acceptable method of showing shipper's certification on pa... Answer113 The placards should be placed on the vehicle:... Answer |