995 When inspect the coupling, you must make certain that there is enough ... Answer966 When a tractor and a trailer are coupled, how much space should there ... Answer835 In what position should the air line shut off valves be when you check... Answer783 The air tanks on trailers and converter dollies are filled by:... Answer737 The emergency air line for:... Answer730 Which one of the following statements about tractor protection valves ... Answer665 In order to supply air to the trailer, you must first:... Answer627 The maximum air released when brakes are released is:... Answer627 Why should you use chocks when parking a trailer without spring brakes... Answer617 The service air line is controlled by... Answer599 What is the emergency air line?... Answer568 For the coupling to be complete for a fifth wheel with a locking lever... Answer549 You are driving a combination vehicle when the trailer brakes away, pu... Answer503 Other names for the Service Air Lines are?... Answer489 If you cross connect the two air lines the following will result:... Answer483 Semi trailers made before 1975 that are equipped with air brakes:... Answer478 What should the trailer height be before you connect a converter dolly... Answer471 Before you back under a semi-trailer in coupling your tractor at what ... Answer465 After applying brakes fully max on combination vehicles, what is the a... Answer463 The service line is for:... Answer437 When you turn suddenly while pulling doubles, which trailer is most li... Answer426 Why should you not use the trailer hand brake to straighten out a jack... Answer424 Are fully loaded rigs more likely to roll over in a crash than empty r... Answer412 Why do large combination vehicles that are empty take longer to stop t... Answer410 You should swing wide to the left before starting a 90 degree turn:... Answer404 In order to inspect the coupling you should:... Answer395 The function of the trailer air supply control is:... Answer384 A combination vehicle air brake system should not lose air faster than... Answer377 When should you use the hand valve to park a combination vehicle?... Answer367 Coupling and uncoupling methods are the same for more common tractor-t... Answer363 The trailer hand valve should be used:... Answer360 Which of the following statements about combination vehicles is true?... Answer349 More than half of truck driver deaths in crashes are the result of tru... Answer328 Why should you check your mirrors whenever you apply the brakes hard?... Answer325 A device which connects the service and emergency air lines from the t... Answer310 What are some things that you can do to avoid getting surprised and ha... Answer310 When backing a tractor under a trailer, you should expect:... Answer309 When coupling the glad hands, you should NOT do the following:... Answer306 To prevent rollovers, remember to:... Answer304 When coupling the trailer, back up slowly until:... Answer291 Off tracking is:... Answer288 You have connected the air lines but have not yet backed under the tra... Answer281 If you start a trailer skid, you should:... Answer277 Large combination vehicles take longer to stop:... Answer275 Which is true when rolling up the landing gear to complete the couplin... Answer268 You should crank the landing gear until:... Answer266 Since a sudden movement with your steering wheel can tip a trailer ove... Answer257 A trailer jackknife is:... Answer256 You have coupled with a semi trailer. In what position should you put ... Answer254 What tells how much pressure the relay valves should send to the trail... Answer253 The earliest way to notice a trailer skid is:... Answer246 You should use different methods for uncoupling second and third trail... Answer246 What two things can a driver do to prevent rollovers?... Answer238 After you lock the kingpin into the fifth wheel how can you check the ... Answer231 Which one of the following is controlled by the foot brake?... Answer229 You should not back a tractor under a trailer until the whole air syst... Answer221 When traveling under 40 mph, you should follow other vehicles:... Answer212 Before driving away, how can you always test the trailer brakes?... Answer209 Before you back under the trailer, you should be sure that the trailer... Answer207 Why should you lock the tractor gland hands (or dummy couplers) to eac... Answer204 If you will be pulling doubles where one trailer is more heavily loade... Answer204 The fifth wheel locking lever is not locked after the jaws close aroun... Answer192 What happens if (only) the service line comes apart while you are driv... Answer191 You should not use the trailer hand valve while driving because:... Answer187 When you make a quick lane change, the trailer only may overturn. What... Answer183 Why must you be extra careful when bobtailing?... Answer178 When you get ready to back under the semi trailer you should line up:... Answer169 Which amount should a combination vehicle NOT lost air faster than?... Answer165 The fifth wheel should be checked to see if:... Answer155 Why must the fifth wheel plate have enough grease?... Answer151 Offtracking occurs when you go around a corner and:... Answer151 Why should you never unlock the pintle hook with the dolly still under... Answer144 The following two things will help prevent rollovers.... Answer136 The trailer air supply control:... Answer134 After you have coupled the tractor with a trailer where should the lan... Answer134 Looking into the back of the fifth wheel, which part of the kingpin sh... Answer125 What is the cause of more than half the truck driver deaths in crashes... Answer116 If you start a trailer skid, you should:... Answer114 Before backing up how should you position the tractor in relation to t... Answer104 Which is true regarding the trailer air supply control?... Answer102 The dolly tow bar may fly up if you unlock the pintle hook with the co... Answer95 There are two things that a driver can do to prevent a roll over. They... Answer93 After you lock the kingpin into the fifth wheel how can you check the ... Answer84 A kingpin is:... Answer74 When the wheels of a trailer lock up, what will the trailer tend to do... Answer58 Combination vehicles are usually heavier, longer and require more driv... Answer55 What should you use to be safe when you park trailers that don't have ... Answer45 There are more things to inspect on a combination vehicle than on a si... Answer27 You should do a walk around inspection when preparing to pull Doubles ... Answer |