1292 Another name for controlled braking is:... Answer1164 To determine if slack adjusters need adjustment:... Answer879 The two other names for the brake pedal are:... Answer870 When you apply pressure to the brake pedal, you are:... Answer834 The air compressor is connected to the engine through:... Answer816 After applying brakes fully, what is the maximum air loss in one minut... Answer747 On a single-trailer vehicle with brakes released, what is the maximum ... Answer714 To check the slack adjusters on S Cam brakes, you should:... Answer688 A straight truck or bus air brake system should not leak at a rate of ... Answer657 When the safety valve releases air, it means that:... Answer626 A fully charged air system typically has ____ psi.... Answer621 With dual air systems, the air pressure should build:... Answer607 The effectiveness of the spring brakes depends on the adjustment of:... Answer556 Stab braking happens when you:... Answer545 How much air should the storage tanks hold?... Answer534 Foundation brakes:... Answer531 Why does air braking take more time than hydraulic braking?... Answer527 When should the air governor cut out the air compressor?... Answer527 Some buses have a separate air tank to release spring brakes:... Answer527 To test the air leakage rate, you should:... Answer526 This is used to turn on the stop lights in an air brakes system:... Answer525 Combination vehicle: brakes released. The maximum air release... Answer478 To check the air compressor governor "cut in" and "cut out" pressures:... Answer443 Stab braking is:... Answer438 After applying brakes fully max on combination vehicles, what is the a... Answer433 The safety valve in the air compressor tank is set to open at:... Answer418 The brake drums or discs:... Answer411 To test the low pressure warning signal, you should do all BUT the fol... Answer387 Dual air brake system:... Answer386 When making a normal stop, when should you push in the clutch?... Answer379 The Governor allows the air to start pumping again when it reaches the... Answer361 What happens to the air when you push the brake pedal on S-Cam brakes?... Answer350 Which is true if your air compressor stops working?... Answer324 A combination vehicle air brake system should not lose air faster than... Answer315 Air brakes take longer to stop than hydraulic brakes because:... Answer312 The type of brake most common in commercial vehicles is:... Answer304 The purpose of the safety release valve in the first tank is:... Answer302 Two types of air tank drains are:... Answer299 Which is true regarding the braking power of spring brakes?... Answer299 What happens to the S-Cam force brake shoes when the brakes are applie... Answer297 Compressed air:... Answer274 An air tank is equipped with a drain valve to remove:... Answer270 The air compressor governor control:... Answer268 What are parking brakes and emergency brakes are usually held back by ... Answer266 Brake drums:... Answer257 To test your service brakes, you should:... Answer254 The brake system that applies and releases the brakes when the driver ... Answer250 The Governor stops pumping air when it reaches the "cut out" level, or... Answer244 When a brake lining is pushed against the inside of the drum:... Answer232 If the brake pedal is pressed and released too often:... Answer216 All vehicles with air brakes are required to have a low pressure warni... Answer211 The three types of low air pressure warning devices are:... Answer198 This kind of warning signal is required on vehicles with air brakes:... Answer186 Brake shoes and linings are located:... Answer178 An emergency brake:... Answer177 A duel air brake system:... Answer169 the brake pedal in an air brake system?... Answer164 The Air Compressor Governor controls which of the following?... Answer161 This is used to make this kind of brakes function:... Answer158 The Air Compressor Governor controls:... Answer158 When making a very quick stop, you should brake so that:... Answer157 In a single vehicle with a fully charged air system, air pressure loss... Answer156 All vehicles with air bakes are required to have a low pressure warnin... Answer144 Before checking free play in manual slack adjusters, you should:... Answer144 You will find the drain valve for each air tank:... Answer144 Some air brake systems have an alcohol evaporator which helps:... Answer138 The proper way to go down long grades is to:... Answer137 The proper way to go down long grades is to:... Answer135 The purpose of an alcohol evaporator is:... Answer130 What keeps air in the tanks if the air compressor begins to leak?... Answer123 An air pressure gauge:... Answer120 When the low pressure warning is activated, you should:... Answer113 In air brake vehicles, the parking brakes should be used:... Answer111 Air braking takes more time than hydraulic braking because air brakes:... Answer108 An application pressure gauge:... Answer85 This gauge is required for vehicles with air brakes:... Answer82 The three braking systems are:... Answer76 Oil and water usually collect in compressed air tanks. If you do not h... Answer68 Compressed air is stored:... Answer58 What is the result of oil and water collecting in air tanks?... Answer50 You should use the parking brake:... Answer47 With no automatic tank drains - When should you drain the air tanks?... Answer44 What can happen to the brakes if oil and water collect in the air tank... Answer35 The air tank should be drained:... Answer33 When checking an air compressor belt, you should look for:... Answer |