1439 School bus drivers must have a commercial driver's license and:... Answer1364 Who makes the final decision to determine when weather conditions make... Answer1320 When approaching a school bus stop you should activate your overhead a... Answer1098 Maximum time in transit: No pupil shall be allowed to remain in transi... Answer961 Each state board of education is charged with the primary responsibili... Answer927 Make sure that all emergency exits are not damaged, operate smoothly a... Answer860 Pupils must walk at least how many feet in front of a school bus to cr... Answer840 If equipped, make sure that the stop arm is mounted securely to the le... Answer835 A school bus is: every motor vehicle used for the transportation of ch... Answer765 When must you stop before crossing a drawbridge?... Answer727 Are recapped or regrooved tires allowed on buses?... Answer701 Name some things to check in the interior of a bus during the pre-trip... Answer668 On a pre-trip inspection for a bus, the passenger/entry should be chec... Answer578 Some hazardous materials you may transport by bus include:... Answer475 How far from a railroad crossing should you stop?... Answer472 Immediately after stopping you should:... Answer472 In addition to checking for spare electrical fuses, three red reflecti... Answer428 Check that the entry door is not damaged and:... Answer401 Which is the most dangerous driving condition?... Answer360 A standee line refers to:... Answer354 When checking the interior of a bus before driving it which of the fol... Answer353 A battery/box check is important. The battery must be secure, connecti... Answer349 What are prohibited practices while operating a bus?... Answer340 If you have to swerve quickly to avoid an accident, you should know:... Answer313 When checking a handicap lift, the things that you should look for are... Answer303 Most hazardous materials cannot be carried on a bus, but some hazardou... Answer295 Check all emergency exits and show that:... Answer292 What is one of the more dangerous procedures a school bus driver must ... Answer290 If a passenger is extremely disruptive and harassing other riders, you... Answer286 Inspection of buses are made one or more times a year in order to dete... Answer257 What are the shape of hazardous material labels?... Answer208 School bus drivers must also check the following external lights and r... Answer197 As you check the outside of the bus, you should close any open emergen... Answer192 Only some school bus drivers are required to participate in In-service... Answer189 Can a school bus transport more pupils than indicated by the manufactu... Answer179 If you work as an interstate carrier, you must complete a written insp... Answer168 Always unload on the right outside lane if on a multi-lane road.... Answer162 It does not matter if school bus drivers know current laws and regulat... Answer143 If you work as an interstate carrier, you must complete a written insp... Answer123 A school bus driver must also check the alternately flashing amber lig... Answer118 Should the hand rails and stop light be checked during a pre-trip insp... Answer99 School bus drivers are not required to wear seat belts.... Answer97 It is suggested to place carry-on baggage in the aisle.... Answer94 Before driving, who is responsible for inspecting emergency equipment?... Answer92 A school bus driver does not have to wear a seat belt at all times.... Answer86 During the pre-trip inspection, you should check for broken seat frame... Answer86 During the pre-trip inspection, you should check for broken seat frame... Answer83 You should check passenger exit mirrors?... Answer80 In buses designed to allow standing, passengers may stand anywhere the... Answer62 You should check passenger exit mirrors.... Answer |